jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2016

SIG, a interesting Subject

Hi followers!!

Today I’m going to write about my favorite and interesting subject at University in this semester.
The subject is Application in Systems of Geographical Information or SIG.

The name of my teacher of SIG is Gino Sandoval and it is the first semester that he is a principal teacher of a subject in the University.

The hours of the sig classes at the university are the next: wednesday from 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. is the principal class, with Gino.   Later, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. is the secondary class, with David Henriquez, the class attendant. There are only classes on Wednesdays in the morning.
This subject is very interesting because we work in the software ArcGis, a very complete program of Geographical Information. He work with a different types of elements with a many information of different topics in geography, such as shapes with a lot of information of different topics, for example: Patterns of physical geography such as characteristics of the soils, level of water in a territory, pollution, etc. Besides, he works with an elements like raster grids, satellite images, excel points with a location coordinates, etc. and this elements can be edited and completed with our information which are carried out by means of an infinity of different processes, and we can save this documents for to work them when convenient.  Besides, with ArcGis Software, we can do a different and professional maps with our information that we work. SIG is a very good subject and in Geography, is a very Important “ToolBox”.

See you soon!!


1 comentario:

  1. He the SIG boy jojo, no is great and important this subject, very practices, especially if you stay with Gino
