miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2016

The Best Birthday Party.

Hi Followers!!
Today I'm going to talk about my best birthday celebration I've had, that is to say, my 20rd birthday.
"January 10, 2015" this is the date of my 20rd birthday. The best birthday celebration of my life.
The reason it was so memorable for me is because my family met with me in a very big water park near of Illapel city, also located near where I live.
With my parents, uncles, cousins, brothers and friends, we swam in pool for a long time, we played many sport in the pool, and we took a lot of photographs with our cell phones or cameras also, we listened a lot of good music, and also met many friendly people.
We ate a lot of stuff that day, and drank a lot of drinks.
I remember that day we made a barbecue with a differents types of meat. Also, we ate a lot of salads, such as onion, lettuce, tomato, potatoes, etc. we were eating a lot of food during the day, and we drank a lot of soda and alcoholic drinks.

In the afternoon of that day, my family sang me the happy birthday, and they gave me many gifts, we ate a lot of chocolate cake, and they congratulated me very much!

I remember I really liked a fragrance that they had given me, had a blue color in a small containers of glass, with a very sweet aroma.
My 20rd birthday was the best party ever!!!

See you soon!


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