jueves, 27 de octubre de 2016

Strange Days on Planet on Planet Earth

Hi! today I´m going to write about a documentary than I saw today.

A strange days on planet earth is a documentary about the effects of the climate change in the planet, and shows differents examples of this effects, such as the new life cicle of a different animals or a the consecuences of the low or rising temperatures around the world and the consecuences in the environment.

This documentary is very interesting , because show different examples about the impact of the climate change in our planet, I enjoyed It a lot.

It has different narrators along the video, but the principal narrator is Norton, is the character that explains a lots of examples that show the documentary.

The thing that I found it more interesting is the description of differents factors about the climatic change along  the planet earth. When tell us de impact of the rising temperature and their effects in different places and how would impact on different places of the world. Also, how the have changed animal lifecycles due to the climatic change and the transformation of the environment wich they live.

I do not usually watch  this type of documentary, only twice a year, but I think that deliver good material of study, and make us aware about the changes in the planet earth.

The climate change is a important topic in the different areas of study, I´m a student of geography, and like geographer I should have knowledge about the reality of our planet. Is a Great Documentary, you must see it my dear followers.

See you soon.

2 comentarios:

  1. I share your opinion, we know much about this topic, an not only know, teach by doing

  2. Hi! This documentary is very good to geographers because make us think about these themes that are very important for our career. regards!
